‘Own articles’

‘Own’ Books

The third new chapter for the new book on S&OP has been written: Supply Planning. I am now going through whole manuscript again to see if I can make it sound more logic.

This is the second new chapter I wrote for the new book on S&OP

I started to work on a new version of my S&OP-book. I decided publish each new chapter as an article. This the the article on “Forecasting’. The next will be on Demand Planning



In my newest article: ‘everyone a vegetable garden’ I want to share my vision on sustainability: ‘we organized the Food Supply Chain wrong!’

Passie voor Logistiek


Levertijdreductie is geld besparen (update september 2019)

My book on Business Process

Hoe laat je ERP voor jou werken en niet andersom?

Een pleidooi voor Excel

Pakketselectie nog nodig?

TOP10 pakketselectie

Artikelbestand, 1 van de 4 pijlers onder de ERP-brug

My book on Sales & Operations in CONCEPT available, please comment

Book on Supply Chain Management and IT
